Thursday, November 7, 2013

TFC (The Forgotten Children) Movie Night

On the week before Halloween (the 24th of October), my service and I started our first planned and initiated activities to raise money to reach our current semester goal; to raise awareness of the global issue and the organization (engaged in issues of global importance).
   We decided to have a movie night for the junior school kids (as I stated in one my earlier posts). Firstly we had to choose the movie, and in order to achieve that we sent out slips in prior of the movie night for a vote on the movie, and Brave ended winning. A few days later we had created our permission forms for the kids, and asking for an entrance fee of Rs. 300. However there were some complaints from the parents, as since our service is based on "child sex tourism," some parents thought we were talking and explaining about the particularly sensitive topic, but no such thing was going to happen or happened as our service realizes that the topic is a bit inappropriate and have aimed discussions on this topic for senior grades.
    Although we faced an obstacle and had to think about the ethical implications of our actions we continued with the movie night. At the event 30-40 kids had showed up, which more than we expecting, especially with the complaints we had received. Also the movie night was much harder than we had thought, as I think most of us had forgotten the fact we were dealing with younger kids, so we were quite unprepared as controlling and being responsible for 30-40 kids was a lot tougher than we thought.
    In the end it was a great experience/movie night for the us and the kids. Also in total we had raised Rs. 23,000, which was more than enough to get started on our goal for the semester; to raise awareness of the issue, and to purchase supplies for when we meet some of the kids we work to help.
   To raise awareness, besides the representatives across Colombo, we decided to create a video we could publish, so it would be easier for us and the representatives to achieve a way of introducing the organizations and its objectives to the public.

                               Me selling food and drinks at the movie night

                                                    The kids

                                        The goodies at the bake sale


                                           Us at the movie night

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