Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Art First Few Pieces

     For the last few weeks of art, I have worked tirelessly on two pieces of art. It took longer than I had thought it would have, mainly because it had been a long time since my last piece, and I was a bit nervous starting art again, due to the break I had taken from art, yet I continued with my art (showed perseverance and commitment in the activities).
     My skills were a bit shaky, and I had to start over countless times, but overtime I started to regain  my skills, and soon I was learning new skills to incorporate in my artwork, and slowly started developing these new skills. Especially in my second piece (the strawberries), I learned to transform, something more realistic; such as strawberries, into something more cartooony; which is a transformation skill which I hope to develop throughout the course of my artwork (undertaking new challenges). Rather than merely coping a piece of work, like the first piece, which was merely to regain my skills back.
    When trying out this new technique with the strawberries in water colours, I encountered some problems, especially since it's hard to achieve a thick consistency with water colours, the cartoony effect required a lot of concentration, focus, and time to get it right, at sometimes I messed up, but I believe through more practice with this new style, I will be able to perfect this as my own style, and achieve in significant less amount of time. Also another problem with the cartoony effect, is due to the thick water colour consistency it mixes with any not dried water colours (since this paint is mixed with a lot of water), and messes the strawberries up. Therefore I have to wait till all my water colour paints are dried, until I can apply the thick consistency, which is really time-consuming, but hopefully overtime I can improve this style (considering the ethical implications of my actions).
    The first piece (the grapefruit), was done also in watercolours and pencil colours, as my supervisor suggested, so I could regain my skills back (since my most comfortable media is pencil crayons), and  prepare for the actual work to develop my own style (the strawberries), so I would be more comfortable with starting my own new style.

                        My first piece of artwork, done in watercolours and pencil colours
                                       The original piece of the grapefruit piece (above)

                                     My strawberry piece, with my first attempt at the cartoony effect

                               The original piece for my strawberries photgraphed by my supervisor

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